Télécharger Hot Tub Time Machine 2
BLURAY 1080p
- Origine: américain
- Année de production: 2015
- Durée:: 1h 34min
- Réalisateurs: Steve Pink
- Acteurs:: Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry, Clark Duke, Adam Scott
- Genre: Comédie
Jacob et Nick doivent à nouveau remonter le temps pour sauver Lou qui sest fait tirer dessus. Malheureusement, ils se retrouvent transportés dans le futur, en 2024.
Qualité: BLURAY 1080p
Taille totale: 7.64 Go
Nom de la release: hot.tube.time.maschine.2.2015.multi.1080p.bluray.x264-melba
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Pre Date.............. 2015-09-10 Video.............. x264 9581 kbps
Source................ BluRay Resolution......... 1920 x 1080
Format................ Matroska Size............... 7832 mb
Runtime............... 94 min Subs............... French/English Fullsubs
Audio................. French AC-3 640 Kbps
English DTS 1509 Kbps
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When Lou finds himself in trouble, Nick and Jacob fire up the hot tub time
machine in an attempt to get back to the past. But they inadvertently land
in the future with Adam Jr. Now they have to alter the future in order to
save the past - which is really the present.
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